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Frog Help (software upgrade content)


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Hello all,


So my employer has a Frog Console (48 faders, 12 subs) which came with the Version 8 software. Over the years he's upgraded to the versions 9-13 and had all kinds of trouble with 9-12. He found that since V.13 finally worked correctly he was better off not attempting future upgrades. The console still has some issues however. Scenes not updating when changes are made, when changes are made on one sub the fixture which was used to effect the change stays the same color throughout all the other subs, one fixture changing position throughout the subs, and various assundry problems that seem to be console related. I'm purchasing this console from him and also have to work with it, so I would like to upgrade the software. I'm wondering if anyone has any input on upgrading to the current Version 18 and if it's even worth it from the V.13. Thanks in advance, I fugured a UK forum would be more helpful than one from over here across the Atlantic pond:)




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Thanks for the link, it didn't dawn on me to check for a Zero 88 forum. After reading a thread or two, I believe that the version "13" I referred to is actually 10.3, and that the most recent is 10.8 and not"18". Any thoughts on 10.4? I would love some more feedback from whomever has some. Thanks




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My best advise is to call our US dealer ACT Lighting. Joe and Mario will be able to help you with any queries you have and to give you any help you need with upgrades or servicing. They have offices in LA, NY and Miami where they also offer training courses. They will be happy to talk you through any issues you have on the phone.


As to the problems you are having with lights in submasters etc that could well be down to the mode that you are operating in. To get the most from the console you need to be operating in partial mode. That allows you to program individual attributes.




Zero 88

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