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Stage Zoom 1200 Lamp Issues


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Hi all,


Just another day in the saga that is my life in lighting!


Been asked by a friend to look at some Clay Paky Stage Zoom 1200s, they use HMI1200 W/S lamps. We've taken 2, put new lamps in and cleaned the units, but the lamps just don't strike, or even seem to try to strike.


If we open, then close the covers on the sides of the heads, we can see the relay sparking in the base of the unit, but it still won't strike. These units worked when they were removed from a local club, but won't strike with new lamps in.


Also I would like to know how to reset the lamp timer, as the unit doesn't have the right DIP settings as pictured in the manual from the Clay Paky website.


Any ideas appreciated!




Rob ;)

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As far as I remember on the zooms I used to maintain, the thumb screws that hold on the lamp house flaps on a stage zoom actually have to be fully engaged for the lamp to strike. This closes a safety circuit, there is one on either side. Its a safety device to stop you having it open while the lamp is struck. So you definitely wont see it strike with the sides down. Check that the thumb screws are fully tightened up and not cross threaded. This should not be bypassed at any time.


Cant help with the hours reset tho - sorry

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