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What foldback


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Afternoon guys.

I am after some advice please on the purchase of foldback speakers.


We are in a church and we need six of them.


1/ They need to be active systems. We ae not able to have a dedicated monitor engineer, so the ability for singer / musician to tweak up and donw as necessary on the fly would be advantageous.


2/ I would suggest minimum 200w. These would also be used for rock and roll and also in larger venues, so would have to be somewhat multi purpose.


3/ I have a budget of 250 - 300 quid per unit.


I am after advice on the best make and model to go for given the wealth of experience in the room. Any linky link links would be helpful


massive thanks



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Hi Andy


When you say

........ the ability for singer / musician to tweak up and donw as necessary on the fly would be advantageous.

do you mean adjust the overall volume or adjust the mix.


The first should be easy, the second is not going to be in your budget.

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