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desperately looking for an open door!


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Hiya everyone,


I’m posting this to see if anyone can help me. I’m 35 and recently completed a two-year full time music technology course; for this I sacrificed a very good salary and a relationship, I’m not looking for sympathy especially with the relationship because that turned out to be a very good thing! I just want to show how committed I am to working in this profession.


I live in Brighton and I’m just looking for someone to open a door for me to get some work experience and prove myself. I’d love to work in a recording studio, as a sound recordist for tv or radio, as a sound technician for bands, festivals or conferences. I’m lucky enough to know this is what I want to do in life, I want to live to work and not work to live spending 8 hours a day in a passionless mire of melancholy!


If anyone out there can help I’d really appreciate it.


Thanks for listening,



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sorry gareth,


I didn't realise, I'll make sure any other posts I make are in the correct place. my experience involves working with several touring theatre companies and in house at the courtyard theatre in hereford over the last 5 years, as far as working any hours it goes without saying in this industry doesn't it? I'll get my cv on here as soon as I can for you all to have a look at. thanks for the interest everyone.




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