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Work Experience

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You could try some of the hire companies, they often have little jobs like helping to pack and check orders, as well as cleaning stock, not the most interesting job but can be useful to learn different equiptment and how to do some of the things like cleaning properly. also good for building up contacts.

What area are you in?

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I know its a little time off but see if you can get your name down for the Panto crew at you local theatres, there always good fun to do...

Usual tasks going are things like Followspot / Stage Hand / Load In-Build Crew / Dressers etc...


Or if you have an amatuer theatre company near you then try and join them, its not going to pay you but its experience, and a good place to start to learn bits and peices, try things out etc...

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I'm in Northamptonshire.  Not the best place in the world to be!

Hi, We take on a few school student every year for 1-2 weeks work experience from local schools. Most of them are not really interested in working in theatre lighting so will be ceasing this excercise for this year. However, we probably cannot be of any helpas you live in Northants, but do try and get in touch with some hire firms as its a great way to learn about new kit, and at quieter times a great place to put together systems and play with new desks etc.


Good Luck

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Hi, We take on a few school student every year for 1-2 weeks work experience from local schools. Most of them are not really interested in working in theatre lighting so will be ceasing this excercise for this year.

Thats a shame to hear Paul, do you find that school's just push them your way when the pupil hasn't expressed any other way he might want to spend the rest of his/her life...


Mind you if you stop offering it you can always bet they'll be someone who desperately wants some experience to come knocking on your door!


You can't win! B)



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Thanks for the help guys.


I did do a bit of followspotting for panto this year, as someone went down ill.


For the last 18 months I've been helping out on the lighting and sound crews at my local amateur theatre. Got to assist with the lighting design for a couple of shows, and got a few more lined up ;)


Going to go and pester a few hire companies in my local area now, see what they can do.


Thanks again

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Good luck

I know its always nice to be paid but it is worth thinking about going to some of the hire companies and offering to work for free, do this for a while and they will hopefully come to depend on you, after this they will often offer money but even if they dont its worth while for the work experiance and the experiance of new and old kit that you may not have otherwise had contact with.

Good luck and let us know how you get on


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Thats a shame to hear Paul, do you find that school's just push them your way when the pupil hasn't expressed any other way he might want to spend the rest of his/her life...

It is a shame, as apart of the process we would "interview" the student (Interview Practice and all that jazz) and give them a taster of the workplace, write a weekly progress report, let them know at the end how they did, and provide a few pointers on areas they should look at to improve their chances of being more employable.


I guess it's tough being 16. (I know I know no need to remind me it was a long time ago as far as I am concerned ;) )


When I say we will cease offering placements, I actually meant from the schools we have received pupils from in the past. Openings are still available however for the "right" person.

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Hey guys!


I've managed to get a few weeks work experience at a local hire company when my exams are finished.

Also I've managed to get a couple of days shadowing the crew in london.

Plus my local theatre where I crewed over panto said I can go do some more work experience there if I want to. :)


Thanks for all you advice!

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Guest lightnix
Don't forget you can also check out local crewing companies. These are very handy for broadening your experience beyond theatre into areas like conference, touring and live events in general, along with earning yourself a few extra quid.
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