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Help with University/casual work

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Hey, im Ben im 16 and im studying technical theatre at Southampton City College...


ive been in the business as much as I could be since I was 11, and ive done a few major shows and ive sat in on alot more


I want to become a sound technician but I dont mind what I do at the moment, as I have a lot of all round experience...



I wondered if anyone would be so kind as to give me advice on what university to go to to carry on my education after college...


ive been thinking about a few, Glenmorgan in Cardiff, or Mountview in london, or the other was the bristol old vic, but im not sure what one would be best to get straight into the industry during and after university.


The other thing ive wondered about, is if anyone in the area of southampton, portsmouth, winchestor, or eastliegh or any where around there has any casual work then feel free to get in contact with me, message me back or reply and ill send you contact details...and a cv if needed


thank you for taking the time to read this, and if you do reply thank you for your help!



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The other thing ive wondered about, is if anyone in the area of southampton, portsmouth, winchestor, or eastliegh or any where around there has any casual work then feel free to get in contact with me, message me back or reply and ill send you contact details...and a cv if needed



I'm afraid it doesn't work like that, employers don't generally go looking for employees on internet forums. If you want casual work YOU have to make the effort. If you want work from theatres/events company's etc, the best thing to do (what I did when I was first starting out, and in fact what I've done recently as a freelancer) is ring up the company/theatre in question, ask who it would be best to write/email your CV to with regards work experience and casual work. Make sure you get the address and spelling of the name right. First thing that puts employers off is if you spell their name wrong. It may come to something, it may come to nothing, but you don't know if you don't ask. Don't expect too much though, purely because of your age (there are numerous topics discussing under 18s and casual work)


As for universities, do a search for NCDT accredited drama schools, you should come back with RADA, Guildhall, Central, amongst others, if you want to go to drama school. Bear in mind that these courses will give you a general overview of theatre in the first year, then give you the option to specialise in the next year(s).

If you specifically want to be a sound engineer it may be worth looking at a specific sound engineering course, a friend of mine went through Kingston Uni, he's now working for a sound company doing monitors for Elaine Page and the like. Not a theatre course, it's a sound course, but he wanted to go into live music, not theatre.

If you want work straight after uni, be aware that you may not get it straight away. Do as much casual work as you can whilst at uni, get to know people, make yourself known at the nearest theatre, learn to coil cable well, know how to make a good cup of tea and coffee.

There is no hard and fast rule as to say which qualification you need to get into this business, (though a lot of people now have been through some form of higher education) I bet if you asked some of the members of this forum, they'll tell you they have no theatre qualification at all. My old technical manager has a degree in photography, one guy I work with was a carpet fitter, another was an orchestra manager with a degree in english. They were just in the right place at the right time. I myself would have been a canoeing instructor if things hadn't worked out. (incidently I have a degree in drama, film and television studies, and am now freelance technician)


These are my experiences of going though much the same things as you 10 years ago. By no means a bible, just a few guidelines to put you (hopefully) on the right track.



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Moderation: In a post where it is obvious that you are seeking employment, it would be well to look to how YOU have presented YOURSELF. I have corrected the spelling of the thread's title, I'll leave the rest to you. If you can't edit it yourself (there is a time limit), send an amended version to me as a PM, and I'll do the edit for you.
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