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Soundcraft LX7ii


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Hi Guys


I have a very old yamaha 01V and it has just gone cuput.


I would like to get a LS9 16 with a few extra inputs, but this is more than I can spend at the moment.


I am interested in the soundcraft LX7ii as I have used the old one and it dose the job ok. I was a bit dissapointed not to see one at PLASA today so was wondering if anyone had used it, or if anyone in or around suffolk had one or knew of someone who had one that I can try.


Also has anyone got any suggestions on any other makes, here is what I'm after.


32 channel desk


6 aux minimum


4 band EQ with 2 swept mids and A HPF


4 Groups


I have a budget of about £1500 max.


I did look at the Allen and Heath stuff but it feels a bit cheep and the lack of resistance on the faders would make it uncomfortable to mix on.


And sugestions would be great Thanks.

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How about a second hand older Allen & Heath board? A GL2000 would fit the bill perfectly and has decent faders. I've seen a couple of people comment on their newer faders; not tried them myself but never had any complaints with the older ones.
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We have got both desks, LS9 and LX7ii, they are both nice desks. You can pick the LX7ii up for around £950 new, possibly cheaper. Its a good workhorse and has served us well. The LS9 is fantastic, but expensive.


The pre amps on the A&H's are sweet sounding, so your best looking out for an old GL2400 or something similar if your after a nice tone. Dont let the slack faders put you off, they last for years!



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I know you said you don't like the A&H faders, but they are about to release the new 4-bus ZED series which sound just right for what you want:

6 auxes, 4 groups, 4-band eq w/sweepable mids, 7x2 matrix, signal & peak lights on each channel (unlike the LX7ii which has a peak and PFL active light in the same LED (very annoying!)), IMO really nice preamps...

I was speaking to the guy at PLASA and he said they will retail for about £1200 (RRP, so a fair bit more than they are likely to cost on the internet) which I see as direct competition to the LX7iis by costing slightly less.


This is from someone who owns an old LX7, which I love to bits anyway <_<. (though I want a ZED)



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