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HSL Training

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HSL http://www.hslentman.com/ which do big shows
Are you sure its not these guys >> HSL Group? The reason I say that is (and no offense to this other HSL lot, but) these guys don't look like they do particularly 'big shows' or are in the position to offer training.. Are they local to you school or something? Only reason why I could think they would be employed by the school to perform aforementioned training.


The reason I say could it be HSL Group (Blackburn) is because THEY do big shows and have/do training.. similar to many other well known hire co's (PRG, Whitelight, Stage LX, etc)


In regards to cost, it depends what their training you to do/on what gear, what sort of certification their offering, in what facility/venue, how many 'instructors' are required.






p.s. Mods, is this not a training and qualifications section sort of thread?

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I too wondered about the HSL thing - the HSL that most people think of in terms of production suppliers is HSL Group in Blackburn (very large lighting and rigging rental house). I think perhaps the company mentioned by the OP are a completely different company, doing a completely different scale of event! Whether or not they chose their name because of its startling similarity to that of a large, well-known and well-respected production facilities company ... well, I couldn't possibly comment on that .... :blink:
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I don't know much about the HSL we deal with but they seem pretty big, personalised vans, equipment is "used"!! A lot, you can tell!


They all wear HSL clothes etc and they are coming to do training. Not really sure which one, it does sound like the proper HSL in Blackburn but I will ask!

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personalised vans ... HSL clothes

Should be pretty easy to tell, then - if the logo on their vans and clothing looks like this :


... then they're 'the' HSL (big company based in Blackburn) that most people in this industry know. If not, then they're 'another' HSL ...

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