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There are lots of topics obout Wysiwyg, but I haven't found any answer to my problems.

I'm new with this software. I have downloaded and looked at the tutorial from cast which helped me a lot to start. But I have few problems and even by reading the whole manual :blink: , I don't succeed to solve them.


Once a venue is created (a black box for example), is it possible to resize it later and to modify the color?


How can I create new fixtures? I found how to create a new conventional lights, but how to do for an automatic?


Sometimes, some elements (truss, fixture,...) are "locked". It's impossible to select them, move them or don anything. Is tehre a way to make them "selectable"?


This software is very interesting and I start to be addicted. So any help, hint or idea will be welcome ;)

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Sometimes, some elements (truss, fixture,...) are "locked". It's impossible to select them, move them or don anything. Is tehre a way to make them "selectable"?


I'm still quite new to WYSIWYG myself, but my best guess for that particular problem is that the item you are trying to select is in a layer that is not set to be editable. If you go into the layers option and check which layers are set to be either editable or not. This is designed so you can build your venue and then prevent it from being accidentally editted.

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