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Hazards or REAL Hazards


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I don't know if any of you are members of the Guild of Cameramen - and association for broadcast and industrial camera people, but in the magazine this month there is an article from a Russian cameraman who's job is a kind of video diarist inside the irradiated power station. His job is to record everything and it's used to check that the structure is still safe, or water hasn't leaked in or out of areas - check wiring etc.


He goes to work, gets in special gear then goes off into the ruined reactor building. It's so radioactive the camera can never leave. He gets 5 mins work time, and has to remember where the lead shielding is, or he....... dies! The radiation is so intense that the image on the camera sometimes gets ruined!


We moan about our working conditions!

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Crikey! Makes most people's work-related problems seem a little insignificant! I wonder how much he's earning for that? There isn't enough money in the world to get me in there doing his job ...


Out of interest, is there an online version of the article that you can link to? Or maybe you might be able to find it in your heart to scan it and post it?

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I think it is worth mentioning here "Land Of Wolves", a girl bikers camera diary of life around Chernobyl. It has been mentioned here before, but many new readers won't have seen it.


Very sobering, without being totally pessimistic about the future of the earth once the human race has wiped itself out.

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The pictures remind me of a tv programme I saw many years ago. On the third page, the blob created by the molten fuel rods is known as the elephants foot. Apparently some scientists wanted some samples from it. They sent in a soldier who collected some fragments by shooting at it with his rifle!
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