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Power Distro.

Dan (now in stereo)

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I'm currently undergoing the final planning processes of building my new sound equipment racks. One for amps, one for signal processing/analouge playback, and one for radio microphones. I've already set my mind on the stackable skb shockmount ones (so I can make one big rack :P ). Anyway I've decided on everything except the power distribution units. I've been scanning around looking for one with at least 10 IEC outs and an on and off switch at the front. I've found this nice furman one but I'm not willing to part with the cash until I have some sorta recommendation.
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The Furman unit is good at ensuring the voltage of your supply is what it should be however I'm somewhat sceptical as to whether this is actually useful. Audio equipment is generally quite tolerant of over and under-voltage and in my opinion it's unlikely you'll find a supply too high, if the voltage was too low for proper operation you would also be likely to suffer from more serious problems when it comes to fault disconnect times and safety. In that case you should of course get it checked out by an electrician. The one exception is if you did a lot of work off small generators with poor voltage regulation in which case this could be the unit for you. Don't forget this unit is only good for 6A so probably not much use with larger power amps.


The Samson unit has a light, it kind of tells you roughly what current your drawing, roughly what the voltage is and...erm...thats about it. I think their statement that it's "exceptionally useful for any rack" is a bit over the top.

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I've used the more basic powerbrite for over six years with complete satisfaction. If you don't need the facilities of a read goose-neck light to see inside the rack, voltage and current metering, then I can heartily recommend the basic powerbrite.


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Have you looked on ebay ? I picked up a 'Dell Computers' power ditibution unit for £5 . It had 13A in and 6 x IEC out plus a shuko and it was 19" rack mount . Probably came out of a server rack . I was just browsing when I came upon it .


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