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ZR 24/7 or Unique 2?


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Ok, final question about Hazers I promise...


Magnum 2000 went pop last night so time to get it replaced, question is given the choice of these two should I get a Unique 2 or Martin ZR 24/7.


Room is a nightclub, rectangular about 35m x 20m, cieling height is about 3.5m, there is a fairly steady draft from one end blowing into the room where the entrance staircase is, it's not a gale force wind, but a noticeable draft. Looking for whichever machine will keep the room fairly saturated without costing a small fortune in fluid



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Guest joewhite903
hi there , what exactly went pop on your magnum 2000 , we have some spares for them in the shop , very simply to repair , pump is about £15, heater block I think is £120, and control board I cant remember . Not much else to those units , and with the updates coming out for the control board not far away , its a shame to let it go to waste, or if you like we could buy the unit off you for a fair price , pm me if you like, ta Joe
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Got the Unique 2 on Friday, had a quick play with it on Saturday - wow is one word. Fills the room in 3 minutes, and the haze lingers at a decent density for 15, even lingers for a good 5 minutes with the fans going full pelt on which never happened with the Magnum - fantastic bit of kit!
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Used to have the ZR 24/7 now got the unique 2, it is a brilliant unit, easily controlable and very economical on fluid achieving some excellent effects, The haze quality of the fluid is also very good. warm up time is exceptional at about 10 secs from cold. have used in a variety of venues and conditions with no problems.
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