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audio and video timecode software


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hi everyone,

does anybody know a program on windows where I can run audio and the video to run on extended desktop(full screen) all drag and drop and run to timecode?


I have a show running at the moment where cubase xs3 is running audio and timecode and arkaos is running the video but the only way to run the video is through DMX. so I have to program a scene on the light desk to trigger the video and the scene is triggered by timecode!!

Please is there an easier way to do it!!

I tried sfx but its tricky to trigger mpegs (some sort of coding involved)

basically I'm looking for a program like cubase sx3 that can play full screen video on the extended desktop.



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Not quite sure exactly what you are trying to do, but... I believe you are not doing frame accurate syncing audio and video, but just using timecode trigger off audio media to play video media all free run. If thats the case then PCStage can play video on second screen of extended desktop, and can take MTC triggers.


What are your audio requirements? if all you want is stereo playback and video accompaniment started at some point then PCStage can do it directly without timecode.


The only other easy clever package is ShowMagic, but thats vastly more expensive than PCStage.


Sticking with what you've got, is there not a MIDI triggered version of arkaos?

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Not quite sure exactly what you are trying to do, but... I believe you are not doing frame accurate syncing audio and video, but just using timecode trigger off audio media to play video media all free run. If thats the case then PCStage can play video on second screen of extended desktop, and can take MTC triggers.


What are your audio requirements? if all you want is stereo playback and video accompaniment started at some point then PCStage can do it directly without timecode.


The only other easy clever package is ShowMagic, but thats vastly more expensive than PCStage.


Sticking with what you've got, is there not a MIDI triggered version of arkaos?



audio is stereo wav or mp3, not really up on midi stuff so I when't the DMX way to trigger the video from arkaos it also played the audio from the video file so sync was ok. but there was 1 video I got where I got the audio seperate and had to get the scene triggered to the milisecond (such a pain!) to match the audio.

pcstage sounds like what I need but can it give me a mtc output to trigger light desk and sound desk?

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PCStage cannot generate MTC directly, so it cant drive your lighting desk via timecode. I don't know what your desk is, so it may be possible to control the lighting desk using MSC, so that PCStage does all the timing control.


What lighting desk have you got, and what lighting and stuff are you controlling...?


Just a note to say that it is easier in PCStage to start the audio in time with the video, and drive timings off the video, as the video player has better event triggering learning capabilities.


PCStage can control lighting directly though, so from one program you can play back your audio, video, and lighting without using timecode at all. Depending on your lighting needs... Theres a PCStage user who does this sort of malarky for museum exhibits.

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