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Futurelight MH-660 Gobo Controllers


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Hi Guys, we have some futurelight MH-660 gobo controllers for use in a project, apparently these can take a serial signal to control the Gobo steppers but finding how is prooving difficult.


They are supplied by a 12VDC using the blue connector on the image and the serial input is to the right, a white connector. The connector then goes to a 75176 which we wondered if the serial data was actually DMX. We tried sending DMX data to these connectors and get no effect changes but having no specific DMX address for the boards this does not surprize me.


Maybe actually the data sent is far more complicated.



Anyone have any ideas or a service manual or any other info for these.


Attached a photo of a board.


Greatly appriciate some help.





Moderation: I've shrunk the image a bit. Click for bigger.

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