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Express 48/96


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Hello there,


I have a couple of questions about the express - It has not been my day today!!!



It first started off by me backing the show up to disk then when trying to load the show off the disk the desk saying "bad disk". Had to reprogram all the cue stack although did keep subs - know there is nothing which can be done about this!! That will teach me to create two backups!



I would like to create a chase on a submaster. I have done this successfully, however I can't appear to change the timing of each step. I record the step,enter up time, downtime and dwell time, however the time display still only shows "0.2", and does not appear to change, no matter what I try. I did try following the manual, yet I still couldn't seem to do it :(. I am probably doing something completely wrong!!


Hope that makes sense!! :D



Thanks alot and look forward to hearing from you guys


P.S. - Is there anyway to transfer a sub directly into a cue - like can be done on the Sirius (except that is a cue to a sub) - FOR AN EFFECT SUB

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You have to edit step times in blind mode. Off the top of my head you press the blind key then [#] (# being the sub that the chase is programmed to). This will then bring up the effect screen with all of the steps listed. You don't edit step times in the same way that you edit cue up times and down times. What you do is select the first step, to do this hit the step soft key (I think it's S1) followed by [1] [enter] then find the step time soft key and press that (really can't remember what soft key that is, you can then use the arrow keys to move arround in, out and dwell times to make changes. Remember to save the sub before exiting blind mode. Sorry if this is confusing, I'm not in front of the desk right now.



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You have to edit step times in blind mode. Off the top of my head you press the blind key then [#] (# being the sub that the chase is programmed to). This will then bring up the effect screen with all of the steps listed. You don't edit step times in the same way that you edit cue up times and down times. What you do is select the first step, to do this hit the step soft key (I think it's S1) followed by [1] [enter] then find the step time soft key and press that (really can't remember what soft key that is, you can then use the arrow keys to move arround in, out and dwell times to make changes. Remember to save the sub before exiting blind mode. Sorry if this is confusing, I'm not in front of the desk right now.





That did the trick. Thanks Mike :D


Anyone know the P.S. bit?

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Sounds like what you're after is the "Bump" function? This would effectively switch the effect on.


I haven't had to do this for a while so not sure about the correct key presses but the function is called bump in the manual so you should be able to work it out.

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When using this desk and the Expression 3s, I always had effects running off the GO button by writing a macro to bump the sub on and off at the right time (in the Macro page, pressing the softkey for more option (S7?) gave you the option of Sub bump on/off) - on these desks this is the most flexible way to do it I feel as you could have 4 effects start in 4 cues but all of them end in the 5th cue, for instance. Never found effect cues particuarly flexible on this desk.



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When using this desk and the Expression 3s, I always had effects running off the GO button by writing a macro to bump the sub on and off at the right time (in the Macro page, pressing the softkey for more option (S7?) gave you the option of Sub bump on/off) - on these desks this is the most flexible way to do it




I agree, this is the best way I've found to work chases on the ETC. An easier way to record the macro is use the 'learn' button, lets you create your macros live. E.g 'Learn' '1' 'ENTER' (selects macro 1 for learning) sub 1 'BUMP' 'ENTER MACRO' creates a simple button push of sub 1 bump button. All that is needed then is to link the macro to the cue required using the 'LINK' button.

One thing to watch out for is that if you are trying to do an auto-follow on to the next cue, (say Q3 into Q3.5) and you link the first cue (Q3) to a macro, the follow-on runs the macro instead of the next cue (Q3.5). The way I've found around this it to record a macro with a 'GO' button push in the sequence, combined with a macro wait (accessible I think using the macro editing option in the setup menu on the Express 48/96.) It takes a little bit of fiddling, but trial and error gets you there in the end!

Hope this helps



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P.S. - Is there anyway to transfer a sub directly into a cue - like can be done on the Sirius (except that is a cue to a sub) - FOR AN EFFECT SUB


So you want to transfer the chase in a sub (21 say) into a cue (53 say)?


Just tried this on offline:




[Cue] 53



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E.g 'Learn' '1' 'ENTER' (selects macro 1 for learning) sub 1 'BUMP' 'ENTER MACRO' creates a simple button push of sub 1 bump button. All that is needed then is to link the macro to the cue required using the 'LINK' button.


I don't have the console in front of me, but doesn't this just record a Sub Button PUSH (which has alternate-action effect), while using the softkey in the Macro editing screen records a "hard" Sub # ON keypress? The latter is much more desirable for this application.

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[I don't have the console in front of me, but doesn't this just record a Sub Button PUSH (which has alternate-action effect), while using the softkey in the Macro editing screen records a "hard" Sub # ON keypress? The latter is much more desirable for this application.


obsoperator. Yes the macro learn sequence done live does just do a button push. Just checked the offline editor, and again there is a separate command function for 'on' and 'off' sub-bump in the macro editing window. Must admit I didn't know that. I've always just recorded my macros live as (for me at the time) it was the easiest and quickest way to do it, and it worked! But yes there is good value as you say in separating the macro's to the 'on' and 'off' function. I shall remember that for the future! You learn something new everyday!



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