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Hog 2 delay loop programming...


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Hi There,


I'm looking for a good description of all the parameters and there effect in the delay loop programming... I friend of mine gave me a steam course but still feel like there are some gaps in my knowledge... The relation between the divisions (0>3 for instance), the order of the groups and the grouping menu is still a bit fuzzy...


Does anybody know a good reference manual? Or can anybody enlighten me in a quick and dirty way?




Manuel Rodrigues

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Hi Manuel,

I'm not quite clear what you are trying to get to with the effects engine,

Can you explain as simply as possible what you are trying to do and I might be able to offer some advice,

have you got a manual for a Hog II?I would try and download it from the HE site and see what you can learn from that also,


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Hi Manuel,

I'm not quite clear what you are trying to get to with the effects engine,

Can you explain as simply as possible what you are trying to do and I might be able to offer some advice,

have you got a manual for a Hog II?I would try and download it from the HE site and see what you can learn from that also,



No I think maybe my question was not clear... in the timing menu you can edit the "timingspread" of events by dividing the timing. You do this by typing for instance in a group of 4 spots 0 (pig) > 3 and you can make a chase in a very fast way... in this way you can make chases for large groups of lamps in a very efficient way...


Do you use this way of programming?

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Hi again,

Ok in Hog II to create quick effects as opposed to chases.

I would start by creating a few different groups by either selecting the units you want and recording groups or using the "auto menus" which are located in the patch area of the console.In that area under the setting "group maximum repeat" I usually change that number from 2 to 3 and generate menus from there.

You should now have in your group pallettes lots of different groups All,Odd,Even,(1,4,7)(2,5,8)(3,6,9).

if for example you had thirty desk channels and selected them all@50% you would have all desks at 50% in the programmer,open the effects engine (pig+effect) and move the cursor down to intensity and select sine(using set),now all of your desk channels should be going from 0% to 100%,now select a group (1,4,7) and using the encoder on the right offset them by 10.select next group (2,5,8) and offset by 20,next group (3,6,9) and offset by 30.

You should have three sets of lights coming on and off in a nice pattern.....record this to a fader or cue.

You can use the effects enggine to create very complex chases/effects in a very short time with a little practise,another tip would be to use the "set"button with the offset which will like timing offset the first fixture to the last selected.

Effects as rule work better if you dial in your parmeter to 50% and start from there,


I'm not sure if this is clear or even what you want but hope it helps in some way,



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