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Atomic 3000 personality

Kevin Robertson

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Hi There,

Does anyone out there have a profile/personality for an atomic 3000 strobe?

It is to run on a strand 520 (and a 530 in the future)

I have searched the forum and the martin site but I can't find one.

I have just tried writing a new one but I can't get it to work. (I'm probably doing something wrong!!!)

Any help greatfully recieved. I know I can just run it off DMX numbers but I was wanting to put it in to the desk for ease of use in this show and the future.

Cheers guys



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I don't have the personality but I have written personalities in the past. This is quite difficult to explain so here goes!


I presume you have already found the fixture library.


[More]{notes disp}{Fixture Library}


Ok so this the basic layout of a fixture personality.


[hFixture][FixtureName] ..........................................................................[99][A

omic Strobe]

hAtt, Steps, Ndim, Max, Min, hProfile ...................e.g. intensity ................. 1, 0, 0, 255, 0, 0

hAtt, Steps, Ndim, Max, Min, hProfile ...................e.g. colour .................... 2, 0, 0, 255, 0, 0

hAtt, Steps, Ndim, Max, Min, hProfile ...................e.g. fine pan ................. x4, 0, 0, 255, 0, 0



The successive lines are successive DMX addresses, so the first channel is for intensity, the second channel is colour, and the next fine pan.

hFixture refers to the fixture number, i.e. in patch screen when you patch a fixture whose DMX adress is 101 then... 101{@ Fixture} 99 will patch the above.


hAtt (1...99) refers to which attribute you are trying to control, there should be a list of attributes with their numbers on the file.

Steps (0...continuous) is how many steps/frames

Ndim (0...255) is the non dim threshold

Max (0...255) is the max output value i.e. 255 is 100%

Min (0...255) is the minimum output value

hProfile is the profile/Law number


I don't think you can have more than 99 fixture personalities so you may need to delete one.

I hope that makes sense... the user manual has most of this in it, and a little bit more! I'm sure someone will pop up and tell me I've done something wrong but this should work. :D



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I hope this helps


I am using two at the moment out on tour. They are 3000+ I use them in 4 channel mode at half power.

Here is the personality


[1][Mac Atomic 3000+]

1, 0, 0, 255, 0, 0

22, 0, 0, 255, 0, 0

35, 0, 0, 255, 0, 0

41, 0, 0, 255, 0, 0


Hope it helps



Opera North


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