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Strand 500 series console set up? (WiFi)


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Hi people,


I'm having some hassles with my WiFi set up on my 500 series units. The hand held pc's and WiFi adaptors appear to be all good and set up correctly. I have noticed that in the advanced set up page in the "communications" box I am unable to turn my WiFi on (at the "handheld remote" row). The text is in yellow, meaning unable to change. Anyone know what I need to do to be able to modify my WiFi status? Is there another setting somewhere else I need to be looking?


PS I have admin rights and have no restrictions on console access.



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In order to use the WiFi option, you have to have the WiFi application enabled on the console. This is an optional extra, and it's quite unlikely that you have it unless if was specified when the console was purchased. If you go to REPORT, and look at the APPLICATIONS line, it should be in there along with COMPRO and TRK etc..


If you don't have it and you really want it, contact a Strand dealer, who should be able to arrange a password for you. The list price for this is £1,061.00


Bit of deja vu here.. we had a thread along these lines a couple weeks ago! Here

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