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Peavey Series VIII 3600 EQ Pots


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A bit of a long shot this one, but I am currently repairing a Peavey Series VIII 3600 sound desk for which it needs a few new pots where some have snapped off over time. For some reason the EQ pots appear to be special dual pots so that each pot has the main knob and a second wider knob under the main knob - the purpose I'm not a 100% sure - I am a lampie not a soundie (as well as an electronic engineer)

Having spent a long time searching RS, Farnell, CPC, rapid and even Maplin! however I have still not managed to find anyone to buy this type of pot off, I found a Canadian company which sold Peavey spare parts - but only for a minimum order of $100 - I only need a total of 4 pots so there is no chance of this!

Consequently I thought I would ask the vast knowledge of the technician world to see if anyone has come across these type of pots and know of where they can be brought from (I have tried emailing Peavey but as yet had no reply)

The other pots that need replacing are pan pots for which I can find pots which electronically work correctly although don't have the correct shaft length or diameter - but that can be worked around if I can't find the right ones!


Also if someone wants to educate me to what the second part of the pot does feal free!


Thanks in advance



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Also if someone wants to educate me to what the second part of the pot does feal free!


At a rough guess - one part sets the frequency and the other part controls how much cut or boost is applied at that frequency. I'm not sure which way round they are on the Peavey but often the centre knob controls the amount of cut or boost while the outer knob sets the frequency. What does the printed legend on the desk show?





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Firstly - thanks - Peavey have consequently been extremly useful


Secondly - below the pot it has the following information:


50/-15 +15/500

LOW -)- Freq



where the -)- represents a symbol similar to that used to represent the polarisation of power jacks if that makes sense - I can get a picture if needed - either that or ask the guy who owns the desk!





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I'd say the outside is Gain, and the inner is Frequency.


The power jack style diagram is just to show which bit is which on the dual concentric pot.




Actually I think I'm the wrong way round...

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