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yamaha 01v96


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hi all


I was wondering if it was possible to add extra faders to the 01v96, ie to have layer two accessible without switching layers - I was thinking of something like the behringer B-CONTROL FADER BCF2000 connected via midi?


would this work or is doing this totally imposible?



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hi all


I was wondering if it was possible to add extra faders to the 01v96, ie to have layer two accessible without switching layers - I was thinking of something like the behringer B-CONTROL FADER BCF2000 connected via midi?


would this work or is doing this totally imposible?




Having had a quick flick through my 01v96's manual, I see no reason why it shouldn't work as the 01v96 claims to understand midi control messages - have a look at page 220.


I'm quite busy at the moment but should be able to have a go at this next week, if I can remember who I lent the BCF2000 to...

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  • 1 year later...

ahh yes, my pet peave of digital desks... fader layers!


Personally I would buy an 01v96 NOW if it at least had all the channel faders present and the 4 auxes as nothing more than 4 faders.. anywhere on the desk, but not as layers!!

Or can we all annoy yamaha to make us a fader module???


On monday I will be cascading 2 01v96's because I'm not 100% sure what effects it will give me (due to the maner in which the manual is written, I'm sure the tech that wrote it understands it exactly but my head cant clear it up well) and hoping it can come in usefull for a job in 2 weeks where I am short in outputs which will all need individual delays timed in...


Maybe this is the "solution"

I'll report back with exactly what it does once I got it done...

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ahh yes, my pet peave of digital desks... fader layers!


Personally I would buy an 01v96 NOW if it at least had all the channel faders present and the 4 auxes as nothing more than 4 faders.. anywhere on the desk, but not as layers!!

Or can we all annoy yamaha to make us a fader module???


On monday I will be cascading 2 01v96's because I'm not 100% sure what effects it will give me (due to the maner in which the manual is written, I'm sure the tech that wrote it understands it exactly but my head cant clear it up well) and hoping it can come in usefull for a job in 2 weeks where I am short in outputs which will all need individual delays timed in...


Maybe this is the "solution"

I'll report back with exactly what it does once I got it done...


I don't see the advantage. If you want to adjust anything on channels 17-32 other than a fader, you need to hit the 17-32 button anyway.

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And, putting the "layer issue" into perspective, if I'm mixing on a 48 channel Midas, it takes me two steps to get from channel 1 to channel 48. I can get to channel 48 on my DM1000 somewhat faster than I could do the two steps in front of the Midas. It's just a matter of practice and familiarity.


Yeah, in the ideal world I'd like to have every control for every channel within arms reach at all times--and the sound quality of a Cadac at a Phonic price but, until I find that elusive mixer, everything will be a compromise.



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Also FWIW, the Behringer controller isn't that great. I've had fun with them getting into weird modes which there seems no way out of. The Mackie controls are much better...


EDIT: Although I should add much more expensive, but definitely worth it.

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You can definatly remote control invisible layers of the 01v96 using MIDI Control Change Messages.


On the MIDI Page there is a tab called Control where you can set different MIDI notes to control different things. Initialize the settings then set something like notes 17 to 32 to control faders 17 to 32. If you then want to move fader 17 to 50% simply send MIDI Control Change 17 with a value of 64 (MIDI Data ranging from 0 to 127 not 1 to 128 on Japaneese tech I think?). Make sure control changes are enabled on the master MIDI Page, and I also like to set all the other MIDI numbers in the Control table to "Do Nothing" so spurious MIDI to the console dosen't re-EQ your kick drum.


You can send the MIDI data from a number of sources. In the past I have used show control software such as CSC and G-Type to make these changes, but you can also use any other digital mixer that spits out Control Changes. I can't comment on the Behringer or the Mackie as I've never used them, but I have achieved something similar with the Digidesign Control 24.


Hope that is of some help.

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