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Barco B-10 connectivity


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I have been asked to write a display system for an event, normally this is indoors and done with large plasma screens, for this event the display will be outdoor LED screens. Barco B-10 infact.


Looking at the specs I can find it looks like its made of 16 smaller panels, each with 88x66 pixels. So I assume that means an overall resolution of 352 x 264 ?


I need to connect a computer up to this, in fact specifically a mac mini, I understand that they have video input so I should be able to connect that to the video connector on the mac, however as its quite lo res I wondered if anybody knows how it copes with larger resolution video sources, does it auto scale the input?


I am hoping to get to see / try out the screen pretty soon. But in the mean time does any body have any experience with these screens that they can share with me?


Much appreciated.





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Barco bought out/Merged with Folsom a few years ago, so their scaling is some of the best. It uses the same Athena scaling Engine as the Screen Pro and Encore systems which are recognised as being some of the best live events switchers.


As usual with these types of work, chat to the company supplying the screen, and confirm the best resolutions and formats for getting the stuff prepared for. If they're worth the money they'll be happy to help.

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Just for the record incase anybody searches for the answer later, I was recommended to use 800 x 600 as I was told this would be the best to do the scaling on. Apparently it does a better job than if you use 640 x 480.





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