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Strand 300 desk cues


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Em and I have been teching third year dance shows at a university for the past couple of nights on a Strand 300 desk, and we now need to pull apart the mass of cues to create the "final show", amalgamating around 50 cues from 250 into the final show. We've recorded what we have so far onto disk as a whole show, and have begun to select the cues we will be needing. However, as the piecves are running in a different order, it's not just a case of deleting the cues we don't need. Is there a way to 'pull apart' a group of cues and re-number then automatically from LXQ1? Currently our idea is to copy, say, LXQ53, 54 + 55 into LXQ 300, 301, 302 and then LXQ 86, 87, 88 +90 into LXQ 303, 304, 305 etc. This will work, however, it's quite a mouthful to cue, and starting from one would be much easier! Any ideas much appreciated.


Ros x

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Alternatively, you could continue along the route you were going and number them 301-onwards.


From here, you can use the cue renumbering feature to sort it all out into nice, normal, whole cue numbers. (CUE 1 THRU 999 {RENUM} * if I remember).


Or simply go to archive, save the show, and then reload the cues only, selecting First as 301, last as 399 and Number From as 1. This will copy all the cues currently in 301 > 399 into 1 > 99.


This feature will only overwrite things it has data for btw... So it you have a 4 already, and you also have a 304, then 4 will be overwritten. However, if you have a 4.5 but no 304.5, then 4.5 will remain untouched! Make sure the block you're numbering in to is clear before you do it to avoid spurious cues!

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Thanks for all your help, we have successfully linked a very large show, and now going for lunch! We checked it all works, and the tech is at 3pm, so fingers crossed!


Much appreciated,


Ros x

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