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AVAB Presto

Paul S

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Anybody had any experience of the AVAB Presto?


I need a couple of small desks but want something that is theatre style, I want a go button and the ability to record cues via the keypad. Cue labelling would be nice but not essential and to be able to mod cues live without changing modes/pages would also be advantageous as would cue insertion/point cues.

I want to get away from the whole 2 preset thing.


They are for an education environment but one that is building a new venue that will have a larger theatre style desk Ie, Congo Jr or Pallette, so I want something that will make the transition a less daunting experience.

Hence looking at the Presto.


A modern equivalent of the ETC Microvision would fit the bill.

All suggestions gratefully recieved.

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You could check out the Compulite Dlite, it was specifically designed for just such an application.


I'd forgotten about Compulite! Used an Animator 24 about 12 years ago.


So what does the D lite compact cost?



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A modern equivalent of the ETC Microvision would fit the bill.

All suggestions gratefully recieved.


Well that would be an ETC Express. Depending on how many channels you would like an Express 24/48 would probably fit the bill. Easy to use, can still use it as a 2 preset desk, and one of the more unbreakable desks I've found.

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Yeah have always been a big fan of ETC kit and I have checked out express as an option.

Have used several of the older version that weren't 2 preset but it does seem to be the case now, that most of the smaller desks have a 2 preset option.


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Ive used just about all the AVAB kit over the years from Presto to Viking. They are extremely well made desks. Currently run ETC Express 48/96 which is nice and easy to use. Both options (presto & Express) would ceertainly be on my shopping list but at the end of the day the Express would win out because its popular.
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