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Mackie 1604 VLZ replacement


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I'm interested in opinions on an alternative to the Mackie 1604 VLZ Pro. We all know the deal with these: great features and setup for the price but EVERYONE has the "ribbon cable problem". I've got one of these, and most of the time it suits my needs perfectly. I've been through the output loss problem, and I did major surgery on it to fix it. So far (many months later) I've had no further problems and it's worked just fine. But I know it's going to come back to haunt me.


So, I'm thinking of replacing it with something else before the ribbon cables start acting up again (or not acting up I guess is more accurate). What do you all think is a comparable board, features wise, that is less problematic? Has Mackie finally addressed this issue with the VLZ3's? Is it possible to get something better without spending huge amounts of cash? Anyone have a PERMANENT fix to the ribbon cable problem that I could do to my board and have some peace of mind?


What I like about the 1604 that I would want in the replacement: the big thing is 16 channels (all mic/line) in a rack mountable size, 4 subs (with their own Outs) is nice, inserts on all the channels is a must, 4/6 aux sends, the direct outs are good (but would be nice to have all 16 channels instead of just 8), no wall wart, mid-sweep EQ. The one thing missing on this board that I would really like is inserts on the subgroups. I run my patchbay to the back, so I would prefer a board set up like that as opposed to the "desktop" setup.

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I'm guessing you like the Mackie flavour, I think we all do secretly! The 1640 Onyx is nice. Rackmountable, four busses, six aux sends with pre/post/solo switches...and and and, you can wang (yes, wang) your laptop via firewire into the back for recording. Overall a nice desk.



Thankyou mark x

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Allen and heath Mix Wizards are great small desks,


Agreed,but the 16 channel version is missing the subgroups that dravenzouk asks for.



True but the MIXWIZARD WZ3 14:4:2 does although only 10 mic inputs. Also I prefer the EQ, I've used the Onyx and the EQ is just too nice! Or wait a while, save some money and buy a Midas.

Cheers, TonyF

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Allen and heath Mix Wizards are great small desks,


Agreed,but the 16 channel version is missing the subgroups that dravenzouk asks for.



True but the MIXWIZARD WZ3 14:4:2 does although only 10 mic inputs. Also I prefer the EQ, I've used the Onyx and the EQ is just too nice! Or wait a while, save some money and buy a Midas.

Cheers, TonyF


Or buy a Yamaha LS9. Of course your then looking at three and a half grand plus vat retail but you do get 16 comps and gates and 4 effects units.

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Take a look at the Yamaha MG206C.


It's rack mounting. 16 mic + 4 stereo line inputs. Inserts on channel strips, has 8 built in comps, 6 busses (stereo + 4 groups).


Seems to check most of your boxes and appears to be a bargain at about the £400 price bracket.


Hope this helps. :)


By the way, I have a Mackie CFX20 in my hire stock, and really wouldn't recommend it to anyone :blink:

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