Just Some Bloke Posted May 3, 2007 Posted May 3, 2007 Blue Room Software Release Announcements ForumTerms And ConditionsThis section of the Blue Room forum is primarily for company reps, but also members, to announce new software releases for industry related products and software. We hope you will find these reminders of new releases useful. The rules, terms & conditions for this forum (in addition to the global Blue Room T&Cs) are as follows :The title of the topic should be of the format "Company, Product Name".All posts should contain (and be limited to) the following information (an example post is available here):Your forum username ("Announcement supplied by:")Company and Product NameRelease VersionLink to download page, or instructions if a dynamic site won't give you a fixed link (please do not post direct links to executables, zips, msis etc)Bug fixes, change logs and additional features list (optional, please link to this if it is of significant length)[*]There should only be one topic per product in the forum. Please search first and where appropriate append it to the end of the existing topic on that product as a reply. Please then use the report function to inform the moderators the posts needs reordering.[*]The Moderators reserve the right to delete any post or topic that they feel is not relevantWe would also request that if possible you take the time to update the relevant wiki page too, if it exists (and if it doesn't why not create one <_<). Replies are not disabled within this forum, to allow you to post further software releases, however please post any responses or other non-release posts in the relevant main Blue Room forums. Please note that the Blue Room has no control over the safety, truth or accuracy of the listings. Please check that any links you follow lead to the genuine website and report any suspicious posts using the report button. You accept sole responsibility for your actions under laws applying to you.
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