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DB Line Array Systems


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Hi, I have read with interest all the previous comments on the virtues (or not) of array systems and on the offerings of this manufacturer in general. Since I am seriously thinking about moving in this direction from my old heavy cabs and amps (I too am old now!) I have taken a listen to the DB active system (not in anger but at a dealers) and have to say I was impressed. However I really must hear one running in a live situation being worked hard before I part with my dosh. Only a small system is needed but it must be meaty and have plenty of bottom end. The other issue is the latest version of downloadable software on the DB website does not give accurate predictions on how many flown units and subs that are needed for any given venue size. I am told they have some road-shows coming up in June but that’s a while to wait and have a listen.


So finally my questions are:


Does anyone have any ideas on the reliability long term on these active units?

Where’s the cheapest place to buy some from? (For a small amount Thomann is the cheapest I have seen)

Does anyone have any idea how many units are needed to produce a decent sound pressure level in small venues?

Does anyone have any idea on the ratio of flown units to subs required by venue size?

What is the general opinion of these systems, has anyone heard them when pushed and do they kick when doing so?


Thanks Phil

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In terms of discussion, there's quite a lot on PSW, which is here


All I'm going to say is that in this industry you generally get what you pay for, and there are some very good 2nd hand line arrays for not much more - see bonza or bob kelly's site for more info.



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When you say DB, do you mean dB Technologies? They have a DVA Line Array rig alright?


I have dB Tech wedges and have used other speakers in the range, nice enough for the price. Havent heard the DVA but keeping tabs on it :P

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Think that both Matt and Rob have both given voice to my thoughts.


Rob's question of why is a very good point.


Think how many time are you going to fly nice and high outside - the natural environment of all line arrays? If not very often why pay for all that flying hardware just so you can stack a system. And that's just one issue.


And if you have convinced yourself you have to have a line array then why not invest in something with a name second hand. If its cheap, sorry cost-effective, to start with then its residuals are going to be poor (think about buying a car Hyundai Vs BMW, which retains more value?). Plus will you ever need to rent extra equipment in or do you want to make extra money by dry-hiring your cabs to someone who also owns some?


Lots of questions to answer and the first one that really needs answering honestly is whether a self-powered line array is the ideal system for 95% of your work. There are alot of great systems out there that might suit your work and wallet better.


Just my humble opinion



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There is also the big thing at the moment. "oooo oo line array line array best thing since sliced bread, must have one as they always sound amazing" Which is clearly not true.


Don't buy a line array just because everyone is raving about them. I'm sure thats not the reason but just in case. Some of the big festivals who have been using line array technology for a few years are trying it differently this year. my bet is on a better sound, I am happy to be proved wrong.

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Some of the big festivals who have been using line array technology for a few years are trying it differently this year. my bet is on a better sound, I am happy to be proved wrong.


Think you'll find more dynamic sound, louder at FoH, with less noise complaints off-site and therefore more chance of keeping that all important Licence for next year.


Line arrays are a useful tool but not they aren't ideal for everything..............

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As others have mentioned the cross rental-ability might be one of the main reasons in selecting a system. If you intend to only ever use your boxes and never take gigs where you need more boxes, or never to let it out of your sight, then a brand no other people have close is fine. If however you want to take bigger job, and get the boxes working when you have no other gigs, then making sure there is stock close by is a winner.


Bob Kelly currently has a D&B Q& system (4Tops, 6 Sub,s Amps, hardware) for £19k. A simillar systems (well boxes only) of the DVA would be about £14k. So for £5k more you get something that I'm sure you could have working for a large portion of the year via sub rental.


Again as others have said, Line Arrays aren't great at everything. There are still situations where a good point source system is the best way forward. Look at the work your doing, and consider whether a Line array will improve the sound you offer. Could these gigs be done with fewer more effcient point source cabs therefore saving your back?

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Bob Kelly currently has a D&B Q& system (4Tops, 6 Sub,s Amps, hardware) for £19k. A simillar systems (well boxes only) of the DVA would be about £14k. So for £5k more you get something that I'm sure you could have working for a large portion of the year via sub rental.

Just to clarify, that's a Q7 rig, which, although it would be very desirable in terms of subhire, isn't a line array. Phrasing myself very carefully this time, some people think it sounds a lot like a C7 rig, just with a smaller form factor.


The 14 box Geo S rig (0275) looks like it would fit the bill quite nicely though, although it looks like you'll have to add the cost of amps onto that.



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And that shows my lack of knowledge of the D&B range..... <slopes off to hide in the corner and read the D&B website.....>


which will of course tell you that the Q series utilises line-array science or some such phrase......I think it's how you combine the various boxes (as far as I remember from the demo afternoon I went to a while ago....) in order to achieve a flat wave-front.

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