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Who makes the drivers that go in D&B C7s?

Pete Alcock

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Am planning to step up a notch or two in terms of quality of hire kit soon and have been reading a great deal about the (now quite old, but still seemingly revered) C7/C7Subs. They manage to achieve extraordinary levels for modest power, and out of curiosity I wondered what drivers go inside them and who makes them?





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Can't answer your question, but there are a few big D&B users on the forum so something will crop up. Personally I thought they made their own, but dont quote me on that.


On a side note, I'm not a big C7 fan to be honest. they are very versatile which is great but I've never been overly impressed with the sound. On the other hand the even older (older than most people think) C4 is certainly one of my favourites but is often less practical.



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d&b make all there own drivers as far as I am aware. However, they are protected very well due to the P1200/EPAC/D12 situation. In contrast to Rob I like the sound of this box but do agree that it is not quite as sweet as the C4. The reason that d&b can achieve so much with so little power is because you have to use their amps which have the built in controllers/voicing for the boxes. I've used C7 a lot and have always enjoyed using it. Incidently if you do hire them try the subs various ways around - the same, port to port and cone to cone, you'll find this makes quite a difference and you can achieve even more with them.
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I know that the horns have B&C drivers that are re-badged for teh c7's, I'm not positive about the other driver in the cab but I think it may also be B&C as I have used some custom built 15" subs tjhat were B&C loaded and someone was saying that the drivers were from the same range as the c7's drivers
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