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sugeestions on speaker placment...


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I'm a hobbyist DJ and have a number of upcoming gigs that will be held in typical high school gym. I plan on using a subwoofer (yamaha SW218) and four Bose 802"s. The 802s are series II and crossed over properly with an 802c controller. The sub is crossed over with the built in features of a crown XTi amp.


I'd like any suggestions on where to place my speakers for optimum sound...


should I stack the 802s two per channel on top of each other on stands? should I use four stands and spread them out? where should the sub woofer go? should I place it against a wall?

these are the kinds of questions I'm pondering...


...or does I really matter?


...also in general, is subwoofer placement critical? does it vary with the type of subwoofer?



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I'd suggest stacking your 802's I believe there are brackets available to do this, fastened together- and if I remember rightly the practical dispersion is very wide, so this should provide a reasonable coverage in most applications. As for the sub, its true that corners improve the efficiency of bass bins, due the effect of the 3 immediately local boundaries for the sound to bounce against- however you should have more than enough umph in the yamaha bins for 4 802ii's, regardless of room placement.


Is the room likely to be fairly hard sounding? My memories of my school's gym is one of very hard surfaces, walls, floor, false ceiling tiles. Perhaps some decorative acoustic treatment could be worth looking at- eg a thick black curtain behind your stacks to dampen reflections etc?


HTH :yahoo:

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I'm a hobbyist DJ and have a number of upcoming gigs that will be held in typical high school gym. I plan on using a subwoofer (yamaha SW218) and four Bose 802"s. The 802s are series II and crossed over properly with an 802c controller. The sub is crossed over with the built in features of a crown XTi amp.


I'd like any suggestions on where to place my speakers for optimum sound...


should I stack the 802s two per channel on top of each other on stands? should I use four stands and spread them out? where should the sub woofer go? should I place it against a wall?

these are the kinds of questions I'm pondering...


...or does I really matter?


...also in general, is subwoofer placement critical? does it vary with the type of subwoofer?




you may sometimes have problems with some frequencies being cancelled out if your subs are not against the wall. This can happen if a wall is reflective and the sub is 1/4 wavelength away from a wall so for a 50Hz wave about 1.7m. The wave reflects back and by the time it is at the sub it is out of phase. So be careful with this, if you can put them against a hard surface do, it'll solve this. also by putting your subs on the floor you get more power out of them as they couple with the floor.

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