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Scroller PSU


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Hi all did my rig check tonight and to my dis believe my 8 FOH scrollers are not working. After fault finding I pointed it down to my PSU unit. I have a Apollo 16 way PSU. All my scrollers have a faint Red Power LED and there is no Data LED lit.


I think one side of my power surply has gone down or may be a in line fuse.


Does any one how easy it is to fix or should I send it back to get fixed.





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Not familiar with Apollo PSUs, so I can't be of specific assistance - but are you sure it isn't a shorting cable dragging the loop down? That's assuming that they're all on one loop, of course. Try unplugging everything (both connectors at the PSU and both connectors at each of the scrollers - hopefully they won't be too difficult to get to!!), then reconnect everything one connector at a time with the system powered up. If it starts well but takes a dive when you plug one particular connector in, you've found your culprit. If, on the other hand, you get nothing from the very outset, then yes, you've probably lost your power supply. :D
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I'm sorry to be late to the discussion, been away from the offic e due to a nasty cold. *achew!


<I have a Apollo 16 way PSU.>

Would this by chance be a 400W PSU from Apollo?


<All my scrollers have a faint Red Power LED and there is no Data LED lit. >

As the Apollo PSU has 2 x 4-pin outputs and 2 x 4-pin input returns, I assume you've tried two seperate circuits of 8 scrollers each? Were you using a return line to complete the circuit?


<I think one side of my power surply has gone down or may be a in line fuse. >

The Apollo PSU's use a 'self-healing' internal power supply, so you won't need to open the unit to replace fuses.



I'm sorry you are having issues with the power supply Carlos, they have been very solid since we released them three years ago. Stage Electrics may be able to assist you, as they are one of the larger Apollo stockists in the UK.


Please email me offline, and I will do my best to assist you!


kkankovsky at internetapollo dot com







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