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Hi all;

Has anyone ever done the lighting for this piece?!

I'm going to be the technical manager and I know we will be creating alot of physical theatre and using video art. However I have a few ideas on what I want but unsure about it. I would apreciate it if anyone has ideas!


also this is my first time as technical manager and I would like some tips! The people within my tech team are btec students and have limited knowledge of what they will be expected to do so any ideas would be fantastic........


thank you


love maria xxx

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btec students and have limited knowledge


god help you!!


you need to be ferm, whislt being educational. exspain to them, how to do it, when to do it,


safety is a key issue!!




have you searched online for a scrip, so you can look at the stage directions, and so forth.


personally I've never heard of this piece

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hi and thanx.... I have the script but not many stage directions that help its a performance by heiner muller and very un known!!! :** laughs out loud **:

I know 2 of the btec's but 1 of them thinks he knows everything "he is always right"



and now I have to make a full scale modle of a set with 2 scene changes to scale for next friday...(as though I wasn't busy enough)


as for educational does that mean I have to hold their hands!!!! I agree god help me... I live a very quaint life and do as asked. so why me!!???


oh well I will try be fair but ones is already telling me what he will do and hes not been told he is coming for definate......



all who would like to meet us I will keep you posted on where we'll be but for now its may 24th-28th 04



thank you again love maria xxxx

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