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X connect, Strand 300 and Mac OS X


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In that case, one of two things must be happening - either your computer is getting its IP address served by a DHCP server somewhere else in the network ; or your network connection is set to grab a dynamic IP from a DHCP server if it can, falling back onto an alternate (static IP) configuration when (as in this case) it doesn't find a DHCP server.
By default, WinXP will assign a random 192.168.x.x IP if it can't find a DHCP server and hasn't been given an alternate fixed IP.


Somewhat annoying when trying to test a DHCP server - one of those times when it takes ages to figure out why some machines are working while others aren't...

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It says assigned by DHCP

In that case, there's a DHCP server somewhere on your network, which is assigning IP addresses which happen to be in the same subnet as your console. It's not an ideal situation for Strand networking, but I guess it must work.


By default, WinXP will assign a random 192.168.x.x IP if it can't find a DHCP server and hasn't been given an alternate fixed IP.

Not strictly true. If a network connection is set to obtain an IP from a DHCP server, and it doesn't find one, it assigns itself an IP in the range to This is 'automatic private IP addressing', and is effectively a fallback that Windows uses when all other methods of IP addressing fails.


There is another way to make Windows assign an alternate IP address. When you're setting up the TCP/IP properties for a network connection and you've told it to use a DHCP server as its primary means of accquiring an IP address, you can click the Alternate Configuration tab and tell it what IP address to use if it can't find a DHCP server to assign one. Personally, I find it useful - I have my wireless network connection on my lappy set to accquire an IP from my broadband router at home primarily, and to take a static IP address in the same subnet as the Strand Shownet devices on the lighting network at work if it can't find the router. That way, I can access the Shownnet network at work without having to change any of my network settings from what I normally use at home.

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What your doing with cables sound fine.


Have you tryed unplugging your console from the network and then pinging its IP address to see if your getting any conflicts?


Alternatively try changing the consoles IP to something like and then setting your IP as static to 192.168.6.x

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Does your console have networker?

Did you read the first post in the thread?

The 300 has OS 2.6 installed with Networker. Networker is switched on and I can see the Net Video broadcast.

Out of curiosity - if you only have one console in the network (you don't say whether or not you have others), why do you set the net video slot to something other than 1? There's no real need to use anything apart from 1 unless you've got other desks on the same network.

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Out of curiosity - if you only have one console in the network (you don't say whether or not you have others), why do you set the net video slot to something other than 1? There's no real need to use anything apart from 1 unless you've got other desks on the same network.


Network video slot just allow things like Nodes with monitors to view more screens when they page up/down and also if you're running more than one screen for Designers Key users to view that many screens depending on what you have setup for the console number of screens.



If you go into DIAG screen to can view all console and show net devices currently on the network

Report Screen

Softkey DIAG

Softkey NET DIAG


does anything come up???

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Network video slot just allow things like Nodes with monitors to view more screens when they page up/down and also if you're running more than one screen for Designers Key users to view that many screens depending on what you have setup for the console number of screens.

I know exaclty what network video slots do - and I'm afraid your description doesn't really make much sense.


You say that they "allow things like Nodes with monitors to view more screens when they page up/down" - I don't really understand what you're getting at (it's a very long and rambling sentence!!), but whatever it is I don't think you're right. There are 8 network video slots in which a console can broadcast a 'duplicate' of its video outputs. The slot in which it broadcasts its first video output is determined by the value in the Net Video Slot field in the console setup screen. For example - at work we have two desks permanently connected to our Shownet network. The one in the main theatre has this value set to 1, which means that it broadcasts its two video screens in net slots 1 and 2. If we had the desk in the studio set the same, it would conflict with the other one, so that one is set to Net Video Slot 3 - meaning that it broadcasts its two video displays in net slots 3 and 4. If we had three screens on the main desk, we'd have to set the studio desk to net slot 4. And so on.

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Thats right Gareth

When we go into the lowery in manchester we put a sn102 node in the OP corner and they already have an SN102 node in the pS corner (this is to get two remotes working as radio remotes don't work in the metal building). We set our net video slot to 1 and the local desk to 3 and when we page up and down on the sn102's on page 1 we see our first screen then on two we see our second screen on three we see the local first screen and so on.

I would be interested in seeing a show file from the problem desk also the 220node.cfg file im sure I feel it in my waters its the software version.

If I get the time I'll put 2.6 back in our console and try that. We are out on tour at the moment in newcastle so it maybe a little while before I get the chance to do that.


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