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power amp for ws2a bins


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Hi folks , can anyone recommend a power amp for a pair of martin audio ws2a bins , apart from a martin audio amp.

The recommendation is 1200 w into 4 ohms , dont know if this is per channel or for the whole amp , anyway the budget is 1200 euros , thanks in advance , Robin.

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The recommended rating is per channel.


Your budget looks a little low considering the quality of what the amp will be powering, I would probably look to pick up a second-hand Crown Macrotech, they are still great, albeit heavy, amps for powering the lower end.


Alternatively, stretch the budget a little and look at the Void Kryo range, switch mode jobbies so nice and light, and great sounding amps (we use the 4-channel version on mid-highs, I haven't used them on bins but reports from those who have seem favourable)


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PLX3602 falls short by 100 watts, the RMX4050 gives 1300wpc at 4 ohms, but is again quite heavy, I'd recommend a used Macrotech above an rmx. That said I've powered the WS2A with PLX2402's without problems. Its important to note that its a pair of 400watt drivers in the unit, so sometimes it's better to go for a little less power from a better more reliable and therefore probably more solid sounding amp. Also, a note to everyone else, the recommended power is between 700 and 1200 watts rather than just 1200. Although it is nice to aim for the top of this recommendation as the OP is wanting to do.

Crest CA12 is another option, although people's opinions on them vary somewhat.



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Thanks Rob , ive been looking again at the martin audio specs , and I already have a pair of w3p s and an ma 2.8 power amp , (1400w pc into 4 ohms) , I could use this for the bins and get a different amp for the tops as they have a recommendation of 400-550 wpc into 4 ohms , should I have been running the w3p,s with the 2.8 ?

thanks , Robin.



ps , would a Crown MA2402 Macro-Tech power w3p's ?

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The MA2.8 is probably a little bit over the top for the W3p to be perfectly honest, there nothing to say its a bad way of doing it, you'd just have to be careful*. I'd recommend in that case that the MA2.8 went onto the subs and another amp purchased for the W3P. Just out of interest what said W3P over W3? (ok I realise its one less amp but I just wondered if there was another reason).


I suppose the MA1.6 would do for the tops, although it is closer to the lower end of the recommended amp power.



*Many companies (mine included) only stock a few different types of amps. This usually includes the largest in any range of amplifier. We then use Processors to control and limit the power of the amplifier for the given application. If we are powering a small set of speakers rated at 200 watts each. we may still use an amp capable of 1200watts per channel at 8ohms, but there will be a Processing unit (digital crossover/limiter etc) before the amplifier to limit the output signal. This allows all amps to do all jobs, you are never stuck with an amplifier too small for the job.



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The MA2402 would do the job nicely, its a fraction over 500wpc at 8ohms which is plenty for that cab really. However, the Martin Amps are IMO very good (not cheap by any stretch of the imagination but a damn good amp), you have one which you could use for the WS2A, would you not prefer to get a 2nd one of the same range to keep things the same? Also note that you'll be saving your back a little as the Martin Amps are alot lighter the MA1.6 being 8kg against the Macro2402 which is 22kg (well on its way to 3 times the weight).


Are you using the MX5 controller with this?



Also, re: why the W3P, it was certainly nothing negative about the boxes just wondering what made you chose them, I now see it was a recommendation, and a good one at that.

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