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Skytec 1000w Low Fogger


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Ive just received a Skytec 1000w Low fog machine with DMX controllability. The machine works fine with the provided controller but when I connect it to a DMX lighting desk (Behringer Eurolight LC2412) and assign the channels on the desk and on the dip switches on the back of the machine, it doesn't work.


I would be very grateful if someone could help me.


Thank you

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Could do with a bit more info to be honest, are you sure the DMX desk works ?


At a guess its DMX pins will be reversed, you will need to make up a cable with pins 2 and 3 reversed at one end. It should work after this, it tends to be chinese manufacturers that don't follow the standard as such.


Hope that helps.

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Or stop using bloody three pin XLRs plugs for DMX512. There is no correct way for them to be wired. At least the new (i.e. now current) standard is quite explicit on what can be labeled as compliant with the current spec.



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