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Fleck stone paint


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Hi I'm making a "stone" bench and in looking for the best paint effect have come across Fleck stone spray paint from the Odds 'n' Ends brand on the Internet.

Just wondered if anyone has used it, or any problems they have come across.


Also, does anyone know of anywhere in the Midlands that sells it, or on line if P&P is not too expensive.





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Bought some stone effect spray paint from B&Q (may well have been the same brand) as a bit of an experiment (I can't paint properly, but I had a scenic artist to do the arty stuff), and it looked really good from as close as you wanted to get.


On its own ona a whole it'll look like a bland granite sort of thing, but with the addition of a little more large scale detail (moss?) it could look really good.

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Hi there,

I used the fleck stone paint to do a set (it was a crumbling stone wall) and it worked rather well. I would paint your bench first with a grey colour as this gives it a good base and I found this worked well when I did mine.

Like you, I am no artist but you really don't have to be. The fleck paint comes in a range of colours and I used 2 different ones to give a bit shape to it, otherwise you get it mostly one style. Use the main colour all over then use a darker colour around edges to give a slightly worn away look. Of course, that it providing you want it to look worn!!


Experiment with it as you can't really go wrong. It's fun stuff to work with and you feel like a real artist spraying it around everywhere!! :)


I bought mine from a shop called "The Range". I'm not sure if they have other shops than just in Wigan but they are quite a bit cheaper than Homebase. I would ring to make sure they have the right colours in stock before you go as they can sometimes be a bit hit and miss.


Good luck with it!



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  • 2 weeks later...
Hi I'm making a "stone" bench and in looking for the best paint effect have come across Fleck stone spray paint from the Odds 'n' Ends brand on the Internet.

Just wondered if anyone has used it, or any problems they have come across.


Also, does anyone know of anywhere in the Midlands that sells it, or on line if P&P is not too expensive.







I use this all the time - it is great. Especially if you can get a couple of different colours and layer them - works really nicely. Homebase + B+Q stock it. Enjoy!

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