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Sirius 48


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Rooting around the tech room I came across on old Zero 88, Sirius 48 lighting desk. When I plug it in it lights up like a Christmas tree. All the digital displays show the number 7.. No matter what I try nothing changes. Is this completely terminal? Or would it be worth having repaired?
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Could it be a display problem? If it is this should not be too expensive could it? Or is it the circuit bords completley dead?


If it isn't going to cost much they go for it and get it done. We have a sirius 24 (the small, baby version) which has never let me down yet (I have now permanently jinxed myself! :unsure:)

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The symptom of all displays lighting up can be caused by a flat cmos backup battery, usually a button cell. Some are rechargeable, some not. This happens with Jands Events so may be your problem. Measure battery with meter, usually 3.6 volts.
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As Don has said first thing to check is the condition of the batteries. There are two fitted on the 48 way desk. One on the main and the other on the slave PCB. Look for signs of corrosion on and around them. If the desk has been sat around for a while then they may have started to leak on to the PCB.


Again as Don had mentioned they are 3.6v rating but they should measure at least 2.2v with out power and under 4.5 with power

RS part number for a replacement is 422 393.

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