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Can I buy a fairly cheap standalone moving mirror?


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Hello, this is my first post, it's a lovely forum!


I am trying to build a customised interactive scanning light using a mirror reflector. I want to shrink the size of a normal DMX scanner right down, and don't care for gobos etc. . Is it possible to buy a pre-built moving mirror? The cheaper the better obviously, and I don't really mind about the control protocols at this stage.


Many thanks,


Adrian Westaway

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So are you looking to re-package the existing electronics/hardware from an existing moving mirror, or are you going to build some or all of it yourself? You could try looking at the Propeller chip from parallax (Propellor chip). Milford Instruments sell Propeller chips and development boards for not much money, if you want something to experiment with. If you want to go down that route, my advice would be to get a Propeller Proto Board and a couple of servos from a radio-control car. The proto board can directly interface with the servos, and theres tons of code available from Parallax for receiving DMX, driving servos, etc, etc..



Edit : Milford Instruments also make DMX-servo control boards for £29.00. Two of those, two servos, a mirror, and a power supply and voila! One moving mirror!!

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Many thanks for your replies. I am looking to make a compact computer controlled moving light to be mounted on a ceiling. I can take apart a cheap one (100 pounds is cheap to my knowledge?) if that's t a solution, my main aim is to reduce the size/ alter the shape.

I can also use servos but my experience with them is they are incredibly noisy! I am under the inpression that the scanners on the market use stepper motors but maybe that's wrong?


Many thanks,



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I assume that you are trying to build something like this that fits in front of a generic profile to create a 'moving' profile.


ChromaQ (The page is in frames, so you will need to look for 'mirror')


AC's list price is £350, good idea in principle, if a little expensive




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Electrovision Colorscan, under £100, 4 channel DMX scanner


Uses the A1/259 lamp, so 250w output.


DMX Does (1) pan (2) tilt (3) gobo (4) colour.


Includes strobing, colourchange, gobo cycle etc.



Very poor in build quality, but worth looking at for 'special projects'

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Once again,. many thanks for the replies. The standalone mirror looks great but a little too expensive for me, I'm looking for the raw essentials, and it's still a little too finished for my budget! I've just bought an acme winner which a friend told me would be good to experiment with. I'm trying to build a light that is completely controlled by gestures for a home setting, so I'm going to be automating a scanner with some recognition software. I've seen talk about these martin ir units, it's basically the same idea but with gesture recognition instead of IR. Many thanks for you help, and if youfind anythiong else please let me know!



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