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Strand ShowNet Software


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I have a disk labeled "Networker Application Software" for the console and 3 disks labeled "ShowNet O/S Version 2.1" for the pc we've been using as the file server. I'm looking to install software on to a new pc to get it onto the network to configure nodes, backup files, etc., but disk 2 of the ShowNet disks is damaged. Are these 2 programs the same, or will the console networker software work with Windows XP? Any clarification you could offer about these 2 programs would be great because I'm extremely confused at the moment. Thanks.
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You use the same Networker installation disks for whatever you're installing onto - during the installation it gives you a chance to tell it what it is (console, offline, file server, etc.). As I understand it, you only need to install the Networker disk (cninstal.exe) in order to set a PC up as a file server (I've never done it myself, so can't say with any degree of certainty). There's a downloadable GeniusPro manual on the Strand site somewhere - I'm sure it'll cover it in there.
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