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Recording/editing software


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It would also be worth looking at Reaper - it seems to be gaining quite a few fans as it is free (although it will nag you to register it after a while). I may well start using it for multitrack recording if Adobe don't get their performance issues with Audition sorted out soon.


Don't go for Vista - very few, if any, decent audio interfaces are supported at the moment. Windows XP is fine - you can change process priorities in XP if you want so you don't need Vista to do this.





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What performance issues are you having with Audition?


I'm getting occasional short dropouts (about 20mS) when recording 16 tracks simultaneously over a long period. Going back to version 1.5 seems to work fine so I'll just have to put up with having to save all the files at the end of the recording. I've not seriously tried Reaper for this purpose - or anything else for that matter, but judging from what people are saying it might be worth a look.







Is it just me, but on reaper it says that to register and not be in demo mode, you now have to pay?


Maybe they've changed that since the version I downloaded a few months ago. The about box in my version says that there are no limitations on the unregistered version - they're just leaving it to your conscience whether you pay or not.





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Regarding Audition, james, what are the details of your system? I can easily handle 16 tracks with 2.0 even though my laptop is considerably under-specced for the new software.




I thought I had no problems for a long time until I noticed a couple of these short dropouts towards the end of a half hour 16 track recording. My system is fairly old in computing terms and is:


Athlon 1700XP

Shuttle AK32 Mainboard


40GB system disk (primary IDE0)

120GB audio/video disk (primary IDE1)

Plextor Premium2 CD (secondary IDE0)

Plextor PX716 DVD (secondary IDE1)

RME Hammerfall Lite

TI Chipset Firewire card

Unbranded USB2 card

Windows XP Pro


I've tried adjusting audio buffer sizes and made sure that any unwanted programs and services are disabled. All networking is disabled when I'm doing audio stuff. Audition 1.5 has been fine on the same machine.


I notice that other people have reported performance difficulties on the Audiomasters forum and in SteveG's thread on "what bugs you about audition 2?" performance difficulties are high on the list.





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  • 2 weeks later...



I've been thinking of getting Adobe Audition, but before I shell out the readies I'm wondering if there are any alternatives.


I just need basic stereo cut-and-paste editing with a few basic extras like recording, mp3 encoding, click removal, etc. I've used both Audition and its predecessor (Cool Edit Pro) and like them, but I've also heard that there may be better options.


I have noticed that you get Pro Tools LE with an M Box Mini for less than Audition costs, but I'm not too sure how suitable it will be for me.


All suggestions greatly appreciated!





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I love Cubase SX, though it'll cost you the earth! The LE version is bundled with a lot of the zoom pedal boards now and also seems pretty good on the whole.


Wavelab is worth looking at too, I know a lot of schools who use it for recording A level pieces to CD.


I used to use a bundled wav recorder from Roxio which did the job for years. It's quite old so it might even be a free download now!

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I've been thinking of getting Adobe Audition, but before I shell out the readies I'm wondering if there are any alternatives.


I just need basic stereo cut-and-paste editing with a few basic extras like recording, mp3 encoding, click removal, etc.

Have a look at Audacity. It's totally free, will encode MP3 using the LAME encoder and has a wide range of available effects - including click-removal. If all you need is a basic editing package then it's crazy to waste your money boosting the dividends of Adobe shareholders!


I recommend that you go for the Beta version 1.3.2 rather than the "stable" version 1.2.6. The most recent version is much better and appears to be reliable. However you can install both versions at the same time without any problems.



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I have download Audacity 1.2.6 (haven't tried 1.3.2 yet) and it doesn't seem too bad - not as flashy as Audition, but then Audition has a lot of bells and whistles that I'll probably never use.


Just out of interest, if I do decide to add to Adobe's profits, where's the cheapest place to get Audition from? Best I've seen so far is £209+VAT from Jigsaw.

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I've been thinking of getting Adobe Audition, but before I shell out the readies I'm wondering if there are any alternatives.


I just need basic stereo cut-and-paste editing with a few basic extras like recording, mp3 encoding, click removal, etc. I've used both Audition and its predecessor (Cool Edit Pro) and like them, but I've also heard that there may be better options.


If you need serious click removal then you may be better off shelling out for Audition - its restoration tools are better than any other affordable program I've seen. If you only need basic editing then Audacity may work just as well.


Following on from my earlier replies to this thread regarding Audition's multitrack performance, I've been trying Reaper and I have to say that I'm impressed. It certainly works better as a multitrack recorder than Audition on my computer but it doesn't have a detailed editing window. Reaper combined with Audition would make a great multitrack setup.





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