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Lighting - West Side Story


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Hi, Been a while since I've been on the site, got a problem only a little one. I've got a production of West Side Story coming up and would like to create a red lighting effect just using simple lighting no movers in the audioturum before the show starts and in the interval. Im hoping to use 6 PC and 2 foxie followspots, I was wondering if anyone had any thoughts/idea to create a red atmosphere!!!!




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Hi Louis


It might be useful for us if you could tell us what the houselight situation in your venue is. There might be a possibility of colouring the house lights themselves and using those to create the red atmosphere.

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What are the house lights?

ES lamps / Fluorescent / LEDs / ... / ...

Some of these are more suitable for gelling others for lamp change yet others are suitable for neither.


What size is the auditorium (so we have an idea if the lamps you mention have a hope of colouring the whole area).


And as was asked before what atmosphere are you trying to achieve with the red light?



Edit: missing ")".

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the show, Wedt Side Story has the image of being red,thats why I want a red feeling to the show pre-show and the hall to be certainly 4 out of the 6 HLIGHTS to be red .The hall is about 300 seater. The bulbs are ES lamps. Im going to use 2 foxie followspots and 8 parcans aswell !




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However this ends up, remember that by coloring the light, you decrease the overall ambient level of light, possibly creating a hazard; and also making it a lot harder to read the program (or playbill, or whatever the UK term is (is there one?)).


Curiosity has the better of me: what are the followspots for (and will the operators be working through the interval)?

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Hi Louis,

You mention parcans & followspots - you can't lay your hand on some nice wide profiles with gobo holders can you?

I've had some nice effects in the auditorium with break-up gobos across the auditorium and/or onto the walls and then use the houselights at half (or whatever was suitable) to ensure the audience could still see. With the extra light of the gobos the houselights didn't need to be at full to be able to see clearly.

However I've never tried this with red light before - what colour is your auditorium and will the red light show? Red light onto red seats will disappear so you may be better to use O/W or a very pale red to create your atmosphere.

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