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Dj Dunc

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Hi all, hope everyone is well today.


I am using my personal mixing desk a lot more now and generally, the places I use (outdoors and village halls/school halls) are too big to shout across, and a megaphone is just not practical.


My question is: What goose-neck microphone is worth considering. I would prefer to have it mounted within my mixer rack, rather than on a stand to keep everything compact and easily packable. It must be under £40 and also be an XLR connector that does not require phantom power. It also needs to be around 15" long. Also, It must have a right angled XLR connector on the end, as my inputs are all on the rear, rather than on the top, and so either a right angled connector built into the boom Mic, or an adaptor which turns the XLR socket to vertical rather than horizontal. ) Also I have an extra 1U space in my rack if there is any rack-mounting for goose-necks etc which would make this work.



If anyone can think of anything else then please tell me


Many thanks



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To be honest Dunc, the easiest, and prefered way to this is with a switched microphone like the pg58 or similar on a lead. Means you don't have to be leaning over a specific part of the mixer to talk, and can fiddle/mix as you see fit while still talking to the band/turn without having to shuffle to and fro.. this gets more critical the larger the desk your useing..
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My desk is a Samson MPL2242 which fits in a 19" rackmount case, so is pretty small. In my previous post I mentioned that it should be approx 15". I have just gone and got a piece of bendy rod and had a fiddle, and anything between 20" and 15" would be fine, as long as there was a right angle in there somewhere so I can fit it into my inputs on the back.


I tried using a handheld mic on the last school production, and it kept getting in the way, as I didnt have a hand free to hold it, and there was nowhere to mount a stand.


Generally I use a mic on the mixer for talking to the director during tech rehersals, and so everyone can hear when I say "Can we stop there please and go from...." Also when doing soundchecks I communicate with the band through their monitors, but I am always too busy often doing sound and light to have something else to pick up, rather than riding a fader. Often I have to make the pre-show safety announcements, and other announcements (pre-written by the director) and so I often try and use a mic which I dont have to hold.



I have just been looking and found CPC prod number: MP33005 (hate trying to link into their site) which is a 20" XLR gooseneck. Would this work if there was a light enough mic on the end, and a 90" XLR adaptor on the bottom or is this just gonna go floppy.





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Not really, when I'm doing lighting and sound at the same time. The trouble with the mics like on terralec is they are a bit short, and I need to get a 90" adaptor for them (anyone got any ideas on this)
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It may well be worth noting that long goosenecks (plenty on canford) are notorious for breaking XLR sockets when wiggled, and stiff as in when they are new, and they sag like mad when they are old. Long goosenecks that go up vertically or diagonally aren't too bad, but going from the back to the front of your mixer may well just end up being a total pain. As reported, many are omni, and a bit of a pain.
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As Paul mentioned, the long goosenecks sag quite badly over time. Having the mic on a cable also allows you to move around with it, bend down to a CD player and still talk into the mic etc. Having the mic in one set place is very restrictive, you more likely to get people saying "what did you say" if you don't get near it.


Else, just have a mic on a stand by you.

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Have you considered a headset, so that have headphones and a talkback mic that follows you? Something like the DT109


Just a different way of thinking about it.




Hmmmm html link is broke, theres [ brackets in the address...




I've put a different link in. Navigate to the the DT109s from that page



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