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Smoke Design Ltd info/help

Team Magpie

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I have an old ( 1998 ish ) hazer made by Smoke Design Ltd. following a long period `on the shelf' because of a failed valve we have managed to repair with some modification by finding a part from RS .


Now that we have it working we want to use the manufacturers fluid ( of which we still have two small bottles), but : we cannot remember the ratio of concentrate to de-ironised water.


Can anyone help with this please ? - there seems to be no evidence of existence of the manufacturer anymore.



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  • 3 weeks later...
From memory (pretty sure) 1 of the small bottles makes up 5 litres of fluid. Work out the ratio of that? I dunno!!

I have one of these things that no longer primes. Any ideas on that?




Might have mis posted my reply - so


Thanks for the info, looks about right. We were a littel confused by the fact that one of our concentrate bottles still has about a third of stuff in it and knowing we had bought the water in 5 litre containers.


Anyway, I'll ask our man about your machine problem and see if he has any thoughts. Wondering which part of the country you are based in to see if we can help?

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Anyway, I'll ask our man about your machine problem and see if he has any thoughts. Wondering which part of the country you are based in to see if we can help?


Cool, that'd be handy. Guessing your in OZ? Im in Melbourne

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