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Strand and WYG not working

Michael James

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Im currently at work trying to get our strand 530i talking to WYSIWYG 10 perform.


I have set up 3 parcans in wysiwyg and patched them 1,2 and 3. I have also made a universe called "Strand".


In device manager I have added Strand ShowNet and have bound it with port 1. Its status is connected.


My current settings are:


Networker - On

Net Video Slot - 1




Start 1

End 512

Net Slot 1


The PC has a specified IP address of and subnet mask of


I have install LxStrand.dll on the PC and in Device manager it shows the status as connected but when I put a channel up on the strand, I does not show on the PC.


I believe im in the right IP range and this should all work?


Have I done anything wrong or is something else at fault here?


Also, just to add the results of a network diagnostic on the 530i


Node Address Node Name Type Link Status Node Status User, console 530i OK On Line Main

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