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Hong Kong Performing Arts Academy Student Requests

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Dear Mr. / Mrs. / Miss,


My name is Ku Cheuk Ming, I really need your reply of my message.

Here is my E-mail address: cheukmingku@yahoo.com


I live in Hong Kong and studying in Academy for Performing Arts, I am a technical directing student who really likes special effect and magic especially. I want to learn magic or special effect in a company. Now I have a chance to apply a $20000 scholarship to having an oversea training.

Or would anyone mind to introduce some magic or special effect companies which are in Japan. I would like to get the contact with this company which I wish I can go to have the internship for a few weeks.

I really really want to gain more experience about doing a magic show. I aim to using my experience to support Hong Kong’s Magic show and popularize magic in Hong Kong. I think Hong Kong is lack of this kind of companies and no way to learn the knowledge in this field.


Because I live in Hong Kong and I don't know to speak in Japanese. And I want to find a Japanese company which can speak in English. I would like to be a technical crew (the shadow of your company's technical director) for observing what I need to concern in a magic performance.


I am beginning to write my proposal. Please reply me as soon as possible. And discussing the detail of this help

I really want a gold opportunity to learn from a magic company.


Please think of my help! Please!

Thanks a lot!


Best Regards,

Jimmy Ku Ming







If it helps we can move it to the qualification area. I think the reason you haven't had any replies is that nobody knows what you mean.


If I understand you, what you want is an internship with a Japanese magic Company? You are much closer to Japan than we are here in the UK, and I'm pretty certain that even if you wanted a magic company in the UK we wouldn't know many - in Japan? I guess we just don't know.


Maybe a magic forum would be better. We don't even do many magic threads that I'm aware of.


I think you are asking the wrong question in the wrong forum - even our australian, american and new zealand members can't help you - I suspect.





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To comment further on Paul's comments :) , The Blue Room is primarily a forum for people working technically within the Entertainment Industry, It's probably difficult for us to comment on your requirement for the 'technical' side to magic. You'd probably be better off looking for local companies to you that already specialise in the subjects you're trying to learn.


Good luck, and I hope you do well in the future, but the Blue-Room is not really a suitable avenue for your questions.


Edited because I didn't read the original post as well as I should have before replying

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