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Free Avolites Training?


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Does anyone know if when you buy a Pearl desk if you get free training from Avolites or not?


A few people have told me that you do but the people that bought the Pearl on our behalf don't know anything about it and I can't find anything about it online.





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I'm going down to london next week to do mine, you have to do the basic training first if you've never been on one. im going back the day after for a free day to play with the desk. you dont get anyone to help but you get the manual. really handy because it gives you time on your own for it to sink in and work things out for youself again. im excited!
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Hello everyone,


You do indeed receive a free training day for 4 people with the purchase of a console.

All you need to do is email me at lindsey@avolites.com with the serial number of your new console and I will provide you with details of the training on offer and our current availability.


Training usually costs £35.25 inc. VAT per person, per day.

We provide lunch free of charge and as much tea/coffee as you can drink!


I hope this helps, please feel free to contact me if you want anymore information.



Training Manager


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Swag goes without saying! :)


You get to choose between taking a free Avo tshirt or PC bag away at the end of the day.


Moderation: Thread closed. The definitive answer has been given - thanks Lindsay.


The Blue Room is striving to maintain a quality threshold - the later (now removed) posts in this thread did not meet it.

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