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Robe StageQube 324


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Hi all,


Being a Complete Amatuer to Video, Can anyone Tell me Exactly what the Robe StageQube 324 does? I know it is a sort of screen... that you can put media... onto.. But what then confused me is it said it can be plugged into a DMX controller.. How does video go through this ! ! ! ! ! :)

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sounds like a media server, i.e. a wee computer that plays back video files, usually with optional controlable effects and so on. DMX for control, not sending the video.


edit: oh, no, right, it's a screen thingumy. an LED wall. Er, pretty simple really. The DMX control will be of a bunch of built-in presets, I imagine.



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  • 3 months later...

I have had a play with the 324. Quite a nice kit. The software is a bit clunky but I am sure robe will fix that before release. The main problem I have had is that you need a particular vga capture card for the vga input. a phyonix something from ems imaging. I really wanted to show this thing off to my boss, but I need it to be able to show realtime video as well as vision loops (ie: arkoas or Hippo style. This is currently done in the software with a mediaplayer.). The build quality is very good and it is quite easy to put together. Now if only they can make the software a little better and maybe add firewire video input oh yeah!.


By the way if you buy the qubeserver from robe it has the phyonix or whatever card in it.





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  • 2 weeks later...

Its a good LED screen, however it is low resolution. You can use DMX for the different FX on it, and you can also use a desk like the Vector to send video to it in different display formats.


Overall think of it as a Low resolution LED screen, but one that can be split up and put all over the place.

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  • 1 year later...
IIRC, Zig Zag in Leeds have the only 20 pieces in the country as well as the Robe server that goes with it. They had it out in the VIP area at Global Gathering a couple of weeks ago and it looked pretty good :)
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Indeed zigzag do have the only ones (afaik) and we've just had them on demo from them for "back to the 80's".


Whilst I only helped rig this one and somebody far better at lighting than me programmed them, I can talk from a rigging/audience point of view at least.


Rigging is very easy - truss-type joints and it really does feel sturdy (and heavy!). You will need decent winches if hanging them, or the extra ground plates if building walls from them. From the look of the mounts, other layouts are possible (such as cubes) but that is poure speculation - although I know the director was originally planning to make a giant rubix cube from them.


They are low res, we had to use a robe digispot projecting onto one of them in order to do our higher res artwork (Grange Hill style cartoon strip drawn by one of the cast). We had 3 seperate screens, 2 ground stacked at either side (upstage, forming the front edge of a 7ft high band riser, with a staircase up the middle) and the third (which had the digispot projections as well) flown above the top of the steps.


Images were interleaved over the 3, and you could tell what each image was, but not what I'd call video quality.


Remember though, we were using 3 rather small (3 blocks wide, 3 blocks high) screens. I think a much larger installation would look an awful lot better.


As for using them on WWRY, I think the live video would need either a lot of them to make a big screen, or something different (Robe digispots are very good at this).


Nevertheless, a very nice product indeed. Classic Robe quality and performance. Get in touch with Neil from ZigZag as I'm not sure what the rates are for them on hire.

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Am waiting on some video footage, shot by a member of the audience (being naughty) which is apparently on youtube - no idea where though! In the meantime, here are a few photos, not taken by me I might add.


They weren't, I might add, taken to show off the screens, merely by a family member of one of the cast.









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Just thinking, do I take it from what I'm hearing, that we've been the first amateur theatre group to use these in the UK?


We're the first to hire them from ZigZag, so I'm guessing so, but would be interested to hear of any others before we go bragging!


You'll also note from the above pictures, that this was the dress rehearsal, hence lots of flight cases still out front of house, and the lighting had a few tweaks made after these were taken.


For those interested, FOH has 3 x Robe 575 spots and 3 washes, plus generics.


Truss legs had a mixture of showtec and Robe fixtures


Horizontal truss just infront of the pros had Clay Paky moving acl's


Stage had lots of showtec 250's, a handful of Robe 575's and a Robe Digitalspot (7000 I think).

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