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Panasonic AG-MX70 Digital Video Mixer


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Hello, my name is Victor Romero and I work for CSI Sports in Staten Island, NY. I am trying to find a short course or some technical assistance that specializes in using Digital Mixers. I have a Panasonic AG-MX70 Digital Mixer and it's hooked up to a DigiBeta machine and a Beta machine. I am having problems trying to figure out how to load video images into the mixer and making dissolve edits. Please email me at victortonyromero@yahoo.com. Thank you for your help.
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Can you give a bit more information on what exactly you want to do?


If you're editing live a dissolve is simply a case of moving the T bar or setting a time and hitting auto take.


As to using Max-Navi, have a search of the forums, it's been discussed before.


Also with my moderators hat on, can people please reply to the thread and Victor come and read it here, so we get to grow the knowledge base.

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I suspect Victor has edited out the reference to Maxi-Nav, as it only appears as a reply in the second post - this is a bit wierd.


I'm concerned that Victor may be trying to something a litttle unusual. He refers to loading images - I wonder if he's attempting to use the freeze function to grab an image - something that can only be carried out live on the MX-70. Digibeta machines will obviously go into the Panasonic via composite - these machines only have composite and component - no y/c which the Panasonic has.


So no problems getting video in. We'll have to wait for Victor to get back to us for part 2.

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He didn't specifically mention it, but I assumed MX-Navi (according to the manual :)) is the software referred to that allows you to load images via the USB. However I've never really looked apart from a brief look in the manual, as we've always keyed graphics downstream with another mixer. Also as to connecting to the tape deck, our MX70 has Y Pb Pr, which a quick Google confirms is component of some sort, so presumably that would be another higher quality option if required, although it will remove the "second" shifted camera input from each channel from the looks of things. TBH however, this is all informed guesswork, until Victor actually explains what he wants and what doesn't work.
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Well I had an engineer take a quick look at the setup we have here for the MX70 and he said I need to use two tape decks as my source and a 3rd Tape deck to lay the edited material onto in order to make a dissolve edit. Right now with the way its hooked up I can only fade iin and out to and from black. As for loading the images, he said I can do it through a USB port. Does this sound right?
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No - where is the USB connector.


The mixer you have allows you to take a number of sources, and mix, wipe and key them over each other. You can play a tape, hit freeze, and the mixer will store that one picture until you release it. It doesn't hold or store any pictures - not what it is designed for. In an edit setup with old fashioned tape machines, the way you have described is correct. In these kind of setups, then the edit controller (you do have one?) pre-rolls the recorder and the two playback machines, then it runs them all, and at the appropriate time the record machine drops into record, and then the MX-70 wipe, or disolve is triggered automatically. That is pretty well all that can be externally controlled. The majority of mixer controls are manual only. There isn't really much more to say.


What were you thinking the Panasonic could do, other than what I've explained?


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No - where is the USB connector.


On the back panel next to the headphone socket


It doesn't hold or store any pictures - not what it is designed for.


Actually it does. The mx70 has a 30 page store for graphics or text. You can load tga,bmp or jpg files into it using the mx navi software and a usb cable. It is quite handy for DSKing titles or logos.



There you go,



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  • 12 years later...
  • 3 weeks later...
Hi, I am Sylvester and I work with Nigerian Television Authority. I use Panasonic AG-MX70. After set-up, anytime the mixer is used and u are cutting from one source to another, the picture freezes for few seconds. Please any solution.
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you need to switch from one bus to the other with either the take button or the T-bar and not cut between sauces on the same bus , this switcher only has two frame syncs one for each bus and not one on every input
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