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Luv Esther


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Hey all, I recently got in trouble on here for typing Luv Esther. So I thought I would put up a topic about the show I'm working on called Luv Esther. It is a touring show based on the story of Esther in the bible it has been adapted for the stage and is touring all over the UK. Through the show we are trying to raise awareness of the HIV/Aids pandemic in the world as well as raising finance for HIV/Aids projects in Africa. The show tours with 11 cast members and 8 full time crew members including a production manager. The show has been on the road for a year and half and continues to impact audiences accross the UK. The show is currently preparing to do 3 dates in Northern Ireland before returning to do several dates in the southern part of England. The crew have a blog at www.luvesthercrew.com and the Luv Esther myspace is www.myspace.com/luvesther


Luv Esther Technical Assistant

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I have to say it was very good.


Well after we couldn't get hold of them, They turned up late, We ended up equalising the mics.... And having very sore fingers as the desk we had the colours on was an old thing so it took 2 of us constantly altering 12 colour wash for party scene thing , No chase or programming :angry: ... ahh well apart fron all that, Good show!!


P.S. Look forward to hopefully seeing you guys in Blackpool this Easter (If you are in the main complex that is)

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I think we are doing a full show at Easter People well I know there has been talk about doing a full show at Easter people is the wintergardens I think I heard. I dont know what your on about the whole being late and stuff like that because I wasnt there!


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I know you weren't I was sumerising last year, Overall all was good, and show was good, I just mentioned my passing experience with them nothing personal!! And all Was very good after they arrived.


Yea winter Gardens, Last I heard we will Be Operating PA for Opera theatre/house (main venue)... Haven't heard about lighting or AV yet.


But the full show would be good..... *hopes for better lighting mixer*

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