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Internship questions

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Hello, my name is Kim and I'm a junior at Cornish College of the Arts in Seattle, Washington USA. I'm in the performance production department majoring in Sound Design and Stage management. I have a few friends in the London area and I really wanted to spend the summer in London doing my required summer internship. I sent an internship application to Shakespeare's Globe already but I want to apply at more theatres to insure I can get an internship there. I would really like some suggestions on what other theatres have great internship programs. Any other advice you think would be helpful, I'm all ears.... Such as a good place to stay while we're there, etc. (I'm bringing my husband and toddler)

Thanks so much!

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You want an internship at the Globe, and you are doing Sound design?


Well - internships are pretty uncommon here - just not something that happens that often, over here. The one thing that confuses me is that the Globe specialises in period style productions - as in there is no sound to design. What audio effects are required by the script are mechanical in nature. So even if they did internships (in the US style), technical skills of the 21st century style wouldn't quite fit in?

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Well, if you read my post, I posted that I am majoring in Sound Design AND Stage Management. The Globe has a great internship program for Stage Managers. That's what I applied for there. I am open to applying for internships for sound OR stage management. Thanks.
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I slightly know an American woman who did the Globe SM internship a couple of years ago and she spoke highly of it. Strangely, I don't know her through theatre contacts...she used to post on a SF author fan site I know! In her case she had relatives here, so that solved her accomodation.


I've been told that Andrew Lloyd Weber's "Really Useful Theatre Company" does internships too, though I'm not sure whether these would be the sort of thing you want or more production oriented. THEIR WEBSITE doesn't mention internships, but at least has a contact page.


As for accomodation, I can't really help there...I live about 45 miles outside London and commute as needed (and hope to have moved to Australia by then anywhere, toddler and all). However, I should tell you to make sure you're sitting down when you look at London prices...it's a VERY expensive city compared to Seattle.



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Thanks Bob! Super helpful! I emailed them and checked out their website. And yeah, I've checked out prices in London. Actually, if you're talking living in downtown Seattle, the prices are pretty similar. I live about 20 minutes south of Seattle though. But, living in expensive London for only a couple months wouldn't be too bad. Thanks again!

Anyone else? :welcome:

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But, living in expensive London for only a couple months wouldn't be too bad. Thanks again!


Careful. I arrived in London (from Canada) in 1976 for a few months experience/adventure and I haven't made it home yet! Mind you, I didn't have a spouse or children then!



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