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Antari Z3000II or Jem High Mass ZR33?


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Can somebody tell me if the Jem one can make as much smoke as the Antari? The Z3000 has 3000w of heating power while the Jem has only 1500. Anyway the Jem holds 9lt's while the antari holds only 6. The Jem looks a lot more pro and also it's a lot more expensive. Wich one would you buy?



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According to the spec sheets, the Antari has an output of 40,000 ft^3min^-1 and the Jem has an output of 1,000 m^3min^-1, which is about the same (1000 cubic metres per minute).


I would go with the Jem, bigger tank, less refilling, also apparantly more efficient.


just my 2p

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Be careful with your choice of words. Power in this context says that the Antari machine is bigger (the heater draws 3kw) whereas the Jem is 1.5kw. So, either that means the Jem is more efficient (kicks out about the same ammount of fog, but at half the heater power), or the Antari creates fog which is better in another way (density, or something like that).


Essentially this boils down to use & budget. If you have the cash to spare, go with the Jem. It's probably going to be more reliable, it's made by a well established company, the customer support will be there, that kinda stuff. Also, it may be more hardwaring, and you might find it easier to find replacement parts. On the other hand, the Antari is comparatively cheap, and uses more power and might not be as hardy. The Jem will be more expensive for a reason. It might just be the brand name, or it might be because the components are nicer. Having never used either of these machines, my advice is somewhat speculative.


I think that makes it a running total of 4p

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Having used them both, I prefer the ZR33. The Antari just doesn't seem to have quite the "kick" of the Jem, and from memory, chews through more fluid as well; I also found the Antari needed cleaning out more often than the Jem did.
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Of course your not really comparing like with like, the Antari X-530 is the pro-touring model (ie the one aiming for the same market as the Jem) whilst the Z3000 is more DJ / Club stuff. I've got a couple of the X series machines and I've been rather impressed with them, plenty of nice pure dry smoke, and impressively reliable.
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