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Labelling Spansets


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Hi guys,


Having recently brought a load of spansets shackles etc, I want to find a way to make them easily identifyable as being mine, so they don't go walking on site. Does any one have any ideas on how I can SAFLEY mark my stuff up?





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A couple of squirts of an unusual coloured spray paint (luminous orange or green for example) might be suitable for quick indentification of shakles and such like. Not so bad if they are to be used in top rigging, but might be unsuitable for visible trusses etc. Be careful not to interfere with any specfic colouring signifying tested batches etc though..
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Hey tim,


don't you find people get annoyed having yet another tag to get in the way of any wraps... Simple mark on the tag was always my favourite!


Andy - Shackles can have a small colored cable tie or if your testing works, you should have an ident for each shackle so you know its within test - normally this will be enough. Its only when hiring or on sites with multiple suppliers that you need to keep your eyes on what comes back!!!


Hope your well timmy!!


Andy Mel

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On the Spansets you could have asked to have your name on the blue tag rather than that of the people you purchased them from.


If only you had called :)


Shax is difficult unless you look at etching them, then you will get arguments over stress raisers and the like.


For future reference we can actually put your company name on the slings in a dark silver print. Costs about 50p extra per sling. We do require a decent run to make it worth while but its a great way of IDing your products without it standing out like a sore one. :blink:

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